Is Collagen During Pregnancy Good For You?

Pregnancy 2023-07-27

Stretched bellies, vitreous hair, zinged when and hips, and the whole world reminding you that you need to be the healthiest “you” you can be while you’re delivering human life. Pregnant women have a lot on their plate. But sometimes, they have no idea what they should or shouldn’t eat off that plate. There is increasing vestige that collagen should be in the should camp. In this vendible we’ll discuss if it’s unscratched to take during pregnancy, some possible benefits, how much to take, and how to take it.

What is collagen anyway?

Collagen is in your skin, bones, cartilage, and increasingly — in short, it’s the most well-healed protein in your body. There are a multitude of reasons that collagen could profoundly goody pregnancy, from inside your trappy pregnant soul to the outside.

What are collagen peptides?

Collagen peptides are very small proteins — subunits of collagen. They are made up of anywhere from two to one hundred amino acids (source). In plain English? They are amino acid-rich unprepossessing parts (such as a cow hide, yellow feet, fish skin, etc) that have been soaked in hot water to release their collagen, then evaporated and milled to create a powder form. What makes them platonic for consumption is that they have spanking-new cold-water solubility (i.e. you can put them in most foods).

Mama Natural Multi Collagen Protein smoothie scene

What well-nigh the variegated types of collagen?

There are at least 16 types of collagen, but the most important ones for your soul are types 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 ( I, II, III, V, and X).

Type I is the biggest one, written for 90% of your body’s collagen. It is made of densely packed fibers that contribute to skin, bones, tendons, stringy cartilage, connective tissue, and teeth (source).

Type II is found in rubberband ossein — the kind that cushions your joints. It is much increasingly loosely packed than Type I (source).

Type III consists of only one collagen, and supports the structure of the muscles, organs, and arteries. Those low in this collagen often suffer from viral and nonviral liver diseases, kidney fibrosis, and vascular disorders (source).

Type V collagen works with type I collagen to provide structure to bone, skeletal muscle, liver, lung, and, most notably, the cells of a pregnant woman’s placenta (source).

Type X can be found in endochondral unorthodoxy insemination (a fancy way of saying unorthodoxy and ossein creation) (source).

Is taking just one collagen bad?

Taking just one type of collagen is not bad, it just may not be as salubrious as taking them in concert. As we explained above, each type of collagen contributes to a variegated zone of the body. A multi-collagen peptide is going to use multiple sources such as porcine skin, yellow feet, cartilage, and plane eggshell membrane, compared to a normal collagen peptide that may just use bovine. Considering your soul is stuff taxed in so many variegated ways — from your skin and hair, to your wreck and joints — a multi-collagen may be the most beneficial.

Is collagen unscratched during pregnancy?

Collagen in its natural form is found naturally in your diet. It is in everything from unorthodoxy goop to tintinnabulate peppers. With that in mind, we’re going to go superiority and say yes, it’s unscratched (and encouraged) to eat a nutrient-rich nutrition that includes well-sourced meats, colorful veggies and fruit during pregnancy.

What well-nigh collagen powder? Is that unscratched to use during pregnancy?

Again, most likely, yes. But — wait for it — you should unchangingly consult your doctor or midwife surpassing starting any new supplement. Unfortunately, considering of upstanding reasons, the research on the effects of collagen peptides on pregnant women is very limited. That said, collagen peptides are a pretty simple supplies source as supplements go. As we talked well-nigh above, in original form, they are unprepossessing parts. What’s important is where those animals came from (grass-fed and pasture-raised vs. factory-farmed) and what else, if anything, has been widow to the product.

Mama Natural Multi Collagen Protein sultry scene

How much collagen peptides should I take during pregnancy?

With collagen supplementation stuff relatively new, health authorities haven’t established any official guidelines for how much collagen to take per day — pregnant or not. If you and your doctor or midwife stipulate that collagen is unscratched for you to take during pregnancy, you can follow the spoonful directions on the package. Typically, a scoop of collagen peptide every morning in your coffee, tea, or smoothie is recommended.

Can you take collagen peptides postpartum, while breastfeeding?

Again, we believe that this should be safe. And in fact, there is a 2016 study that found pregnant and postpartum women demonstrated improved protein levels and quality of life without collagen supplementation (source). Increasingly specifically, the collagen supplement subjects showed no impact on breastfeeding or post-delivery or newborn problems. But again, please consult your physician or midwife for any supplement you take while breastfeeding.

What are some potential benefits of collagen during pregnancy?

1. Protein!

Studies show that pregnant women require a substantial value of spare grams of protein per day. American Pregnancy Association recommends 75 to 100 grams of protein per day, while The Brewer’s Diet recommends 80 grams of protein a day up to 100-120 grams per day.

For those of you who struggle with morning sickness, it can be difficult to get all that protein in your diet. Collagen peptides have wilt a popular nomination with pregnant women as a sneaky way to offer a protein uplift in the foods that they can stomach.

Please note that collagen is not a replacement for other well-sourced protein in your diet, just a compliment to it. In fact, collagen on its own is not a well-constructed protein. Unlike a grass-fed burger or a serving of safe pregnancy seafood, it lacks the well-constructed essential amino wounding profile. Collagen only contains 8 of the 9 essential amino acids, with the zillion of them stuff glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline (source). What do we midpoint by essential? These are the guys that our soul can’t produce on its own. They are essential for us to eat to obtain our platonic nutrient profile (source).

2. Collagen may goody baby

As we stated in the beginning, collagen is hair-trigger for your skin, bones, and cartilage. So when you’re growing a victual in your belly, you can only imagine what that little one requires of you to build its own skin, bones, and cartilage.

A 2019 study from Purdue University found that a significant number of pregnant women are not getting unbearable vitamins D, C, A, B6, K, and E, as well as folate, choline, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc plane with the use of a multi or a prenatal supplement. As mentioned above, collagen is a unconfined source of six of the same vitamins and minerals.

In addition, a review in the International Journal of Biomedical Sciences explains that collagen plays a hair-trigger role during a successful pregnancy, from establishing itself in the decidual tissue (simplify term) to profitable in a healthy immune system (source).

3. Possibly prevent stretch marks with collagen

When you’re pregnant, your vitals grows, stretching your skin in ways that it hasn’t been stretched since you were going through puberty. However, as you age, your soul produces less collagen on it’s own, leading to dry skin, and possibly in the specimen of pregnancy, stretch marks. Skin health is kind of collagen’s requirement to fame. Multiple studies have found that collagen peptides or supplements may help slow the white-haired of your skin by reducing wrinkles and dryness (source) (source) (source). Moreover, in one study, women who took a collagen supplement experienced a significant increase in skin elasticity (source).

What’s important to note here is that collagen has been shown to increase skin elasticity surpassing the skin has been stretched; not after. That’s why it may be most salubrious to take collagen early on in pregnancy surpassing the vitals is stretched to its max.

4. Collagen may help alimony hair trappy during pregnancy

Even if you’re not typically a woman who suffers from thin or vitreous hair, the hormonal shifts during pregnancy can lead to dry hair and plane hair loss. Collagen brands and collagen users unwrinkled love to brag about how much thicker and longer that hair has wilt since starting a collagen peptide. Unfortunately, there is not a ton of scientific studies on the effects of collagen on hair growth and health. However, here are a few vital facts:

  • Hair is mostly comprised of the protein keratin (source)
  • Proline is one of collagen’s primary amino acids (source)
  • Proline is moreover the main component of keratin

5. Collagen may help relieve joint pain during pregnancy

The stress of a growing victual on your soul can lead to all sorts of new pain on your soul parts (round ligament pain, sciatica, overall muscle aches). You may have heard of the infamous Relaxin by now — the hormone released early in pregnancy intended to relax the ligaments so that later, during labor, the uterus and pelvis can increasingly hands expand. This hormone is known to do its job a little too well considering it helps other joints lose their normal stability and can plane lead to injury.

Enter collagen. The word unquestionably comes from the Greek word “glue” considering it keeps your cells glued together (source). In this case, it can help alimony your ossein and tendons together. Studies have shown that collagen supplementation can reduce joint pain, and possibly reduce inflammation (source). In one study, 147 athletes (a upper risk group to joint pain) found that those who took a collagen supplement had significantly less pain than those who didn’t.

6. Possibly gainsay morning sickness with collagen supplementation

One of the key reasons that pregnant women suffer from morning sickness is that they suffer from nutritional deficiency. Again, collagen provides substantial, and often lacking, nutrient content.

Blood sugar fluctuations moreover tend to induce nausea in pregnancy. The weightier way to wastefulness thoroughbred sugar is to include both fat and protein in your meals — no matter how small. A smoothie with a scoop of collagen and a spoonful of almond butter could make all the difference in your typically nauseating morning.

What do Midwives have to say well-nigh using collagen peptides during pregnancy?

Studies have shown that pregnant women who segregate a midwife have fewer medical interventions with no negative health implications on mom or victual (source). Moms who requite lineage with midwives are moreover increasingly likely to breastfeed (source). All this to say, midwives have a reputation for putting the mother first, and stuff by her side throughout the unshortened pregnancy. A good midwife is completely immersed in the prenatal and postnatal world. They know their stuff.

Maura Winkler, CNM at FIKA Midwifery is a proponent of collagen peptides during pregnancy. She says,

“Collagen peptides are not just unscratched for pregnancy, they’re beneficial! Collagen helps support skin elasticity and joint health—two soul systems that are pushed to the max during pregnancy. Collagen moreover contains amino acids that may help to seal the gut and promote gut health, a trait you’ll likely pass on to your victual through vaginal birth.”

Heather McCullough, CPM, a Certified Professional Midwife in Chicago, says,

“Please do add collagen every day to your routine! I’m such a huge fan of collagen – for all people, but most importantly during pregnancy and postpartum. Collagen in pregnancy has been associated with stronger amniotic sacs, decreasing occurrences of early release of the membranes and therefore decreasing risk of infection during birth. Other worldwide concerns during pregnancy are round ligament pain, sacroiliac pain (SI joint dysfunction) and symphysis pubis dysfunction. All of which can see resurgence with the wing of daily collagen and vitamin C intake. What’s not to love?”

How should I take collagen?

Collagen is first and foremost misogynist naturally through food. Beef, fish, chicken, beans, eggs, dairy, and unprepossessing wreck (i.e. unorthodoxy broth, unorthodoxy marrow). But considering pregnancy can be expressly exhausting, collagen supplementation is moreover an option. You can hands throw a collagen peptide powder in a smoothie, your morning tea, soup (even unorthodoxy goop to double your collagen intake), baked goods, oatmeal, yogurt, pasta, and more. A good collagen peptide powder is tasteless and odorless, making the supplies possibilities endless.

What collagen do we recommend?

I’m so passionate well-nigh collagen that I created my own custom blend! Mama Natural Multi-Collagen Protein serves up 10 grams of protein, six types of collagen, and zero additives, fillers, or preservatives.

Each serving moreover delivers over 1000 mg of alanine, over 2000 mg of glycine, and 1500 mg of proline 一 among many other amino acids!

Our Multi-Collagen Protein is unflavored and hydrolyzed. Which ways it’s easy to add to savory or sweet dishes, hot or unprepossessed drinks 一 you name it!

Click here to order my custom multi collagen!

Mama Natural Multi Collagen Protein tea scene

How well-nigh you?

Did you take collagen during pregnancy? What was your wits with it? Any unconfined recipe ideas? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

The post Is Collagen During Pregnancy Good For You? appeared first on Mama Natural.