Signs of Pregnancy: The 15 Earliest (and Weirdest) Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy 2023-07-27

You’ve just got that feeling. You’re unrepealable the sperm has met the egg, but you want to know for sure. Waiting those ten days without ovulation to take a home pregnancy test can be brutal! Read on to learn well-nigh 15 of the early signs of pregnancy to squint out for.

15 early signs of pregnancy

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  • Signs of Pregnancy #1:
    Changes in your breasts

    Signs of Pregnancy 1 – Changes in Breasts

    Maybe you’ve noticed your breasts are swollen, tender and sore. Or perhaps your nipples are darkening and protruding in preparation for breastfeeding. Your areolas may moreover get larger.

    For some women, breast tenderness in early pregnancy feels suspiciously like the usual symptoms of PMS, but for others, it’s distinctly different.

    “The primeval signs of pregnancy for me was that my nipples started to squint like my mother’s,” says Ilana, now a mama of three.

    Pregnancy Symptoms #2:
    Frequent urination

    Signs of Pregnancy 2 – Frequent Urination

    If you find yourself getting up routinely at night for trips to the bathroom, it could be an early sign that a fertilized egg has begun implantation on the uterine wall.

    The hCG hormone—sometimes tabbed “pregnancy hormone”—often triggers frequent urges to pee plane while the embryo is still very tiny and there’s no real pressure on your bladder from a growing baby. Not yet, anyway.

  • First Symptoms of Pregnancy #3:

    Signs of Pregnancy 3 – Feeling Nausea

    Call it morning sickness or all day sickness, but either way, nausea is a reality for many women in early pregnancy. Well-nigh 50% of women will have vomiting withal with nausea during their first trimester.

    While nausea may be one of the very early signs of pregnancy, most women don’t wits vomiting until two weeks to two months without conception. For the majority of pregnant mamas, queasiness and vomiting will subside by the second trimester as production of the powerful hCG hormone plateaus.

  • Pregnancy Symptoms #4:
    Fatigue and exhaustion

    Signs of Pregnancy 4 – Fatigue and exhaustion

    At conception, progesterone levels uncork to rise rapidly and will protract to do so throughout your first trimester. Progesterone is the hormonal sustenance of pregnancy, preventing uterine contractions and inhibiting early immune responses.

    The downside? The sudden uptick in progesterone during early pregnancy may leave you utterly exhausted.

  • Signs of Pregnancy #5:
    A cold

    Signs of Pregnancy 5 – A cold

    With a tide of progesterone at work to alimony your immune system from attacking the new (and foreign) DNA inside the body, it’s worldwide for viruses and yes-man to use this opportunity to set up shop. A unprepossessed that would have been no biggie surpassing pregnancy might knock you lanugo without conception.

    Check out these natural cough and unprepossessed remedies to fight off a unprepossessed during pregnancy.

  • Early Signs of Pregnancy #6:
    Puffy and sore gums

    Signs of Pregnancy 6 – Puffy and sore gums

    With the immune system at bay, mouth yes-man might moreover uncork to flourish. Plus, as your soul builds thoroughbred volume and fluid levels to nourish baby, you may once have tissue swelling (including your gums!)

    Be enlightened of inflamed, sore or gory gums, or puffy vision and face, as one of the early signs of pregnancy. You might plane notice a nosebleed or two!

  • Pregnancy Symptoms #7:
    Early signs of pregnancy discharge

    Signs of Pregnancy 7 – Cervical mucus

    If you’ve been keeping track of your menstrual trundling as you prepare for pregnancy, you once know that cervical mucus, or discharge, increases and thickens during ovulation to help siphon sperm to meet the egg. In a trundling without conception, the stretchy cervical mucus will dry up within 24 hours of ovulation.

    But if siring has occurred, then this cervical mucus will protract to be produced for multiple days without the stage of ovulation. This mucus will unquestionably protract on some level throughout your unshortened pregnancy as it keeps the vagina clean and reduces the chances of bad yes-man unescapable your baby.

    The difference is subtle, but for women who know their cycles and persons well, it’s one of the first signs of pregnancy.

  • Early signs of pregnancy #8:
    Cramping and bloating

    Signs of Pregnancy 8 – Cramping and bloating

    Don’t despair if you finger these archetype symptoms of PMS while you’re hoping for a positive pregnancy test result. Implantation of the egg on the uterine wall can create the very same premenstrual symptoms but without your true period overly arriving.

    Many women wits summery early signs of pregnancy, like uterine cramping, as the egg implants, which can proffer to a summery backache and rectal bloating.

  • Signs You’re Pregnant #9:

    Signs of Pregnancy 9 – Spotting

    As the fertilized egg implants deeper into the thick uterine lining, you may wits several days of light bleeding. In fact, well-nigh 25-30% of pregnant women have spotting during the first few days of pregnancy.

    Because implantation will likely occur virtually the time of your period during a regular menstrual cycle, you may mistake these few days of light gory for an very period. Early pregnancy spotting, however, will be reddish-tan or light pink in verisimilitude and will not be unbearable to fill a pad or tampon.

  • Early Pregnancy Symptoms #10:
    Food sensitivity and aversion

    Signs of Pregnancy 10 – Supplies sensitivity and aversion

    If you’re experiencing nausea, supplies unpopularity tends to just come with the territory. (Rethinking that minion spicy kimchi?) But plane without early pregnancy queasiness, you may find that your morning Joe no longer seem appealing, while other foods and drinks suddenly hit the spot.

    Hormone fluctuations virtually the time of siring and throughout early pregnancy can trigger cravings for some foods and sensitivity to others.

  • Pregnancy Symptoms #11:
    Metallic taste

    Signs of Pregnancy 11 – Metallic taste

    Perhaps the weirdest early pregnancy symptom is a persistent metallic taste in the mouth that lingers plane without eating food. Many women have reported this early sign of pregnancy without understanding where it came from or why it was happening.

    But tasting pennies or aluminum is a true side effect of the hormonal shifts that are taking place in your body.

    That metallic taste plane has a medical name: dysgeusia. Estrogen levels have a remarkable effect on our sense of taste, and until hormone production stabilizes in the second trimester, that metallic taste might be here to stay.

  • Signs You Are Pregnant #12:
    Temperature sensitivity

    Signs of Pregnancy 12 – Temperature sensitivity

    Freezing cold? Burning hot? Feeling just… strange? With all the hormonal changes of siring and early pregnancy, it’s no wonder that you might be feeling a bit off. If you know your soul well, you’ll likely finger real changes in your sensory organs and your body’s internal thermostat soon without conception.

  • Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy #13:
    Excess saliva

    Signs of Pregnancy 13 – Glut saliva

    Are you all of a sudden drooling like Pavlov’s dog? What gives? Well, ptyalism gravidarum, the medical term for glut saliva is usually caused by the beginnings of morning sickness, wounding reflux or heartburn, which are all very worldwide pregnancy symptoms.

    Progesterone relaxes the muscles in our body, which can rationalization the valve that closes the esophagus off from the stomach to stay slightly ajar. As a result, stomach wounding can make its way north, leading to heartburn or wounding reflux. Try sipping a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1/2 cup of water surpassing meals to ease indigestion and help tame the saliva flow.

    Additionally, progesterone can slow lanugo digestion and the bowels (fun times!)

  • Pregnancy Symptoms #14:

    Signs of Pregnancy 14 – Constipation

    Well, progesterone then is to vituperation for this lovely pregnancy symptom considering it can slow lanugo your bowels and their peristalsis movement. Be sure to drink unbearable water (1/2 your soul weight in ounces) and uplift your magnesium-rich foods. I moreover love this simple nutrition trick to get the bowels flowing with ease.

  • Signs You Are Pregnant #15:

    Signs of Pregnancy 15 – Moodiness

    If you’ve made it this far in the list, then you know, whilom all, early pregnancy ways huge hormone fluctuations as your soul begins the enormous process of growing a baby. So perhaps the least surprising of all these signs of pregnancy is the transpiration in your mood and emotions. It’s totally natural if you find yourself feeling hormonal during this time.

Think you may be pregnant? Take our Am I Pregnant Quiz and find out instantly!

Signs of pregnancy with bestselling tragedian Genevieve Howland

Watch Genevieve unpack the 15 primeval (and weirdest) signs of pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms in this video overview.

What’s Overdue These Pregnancy Symptoms?

Peeing on a chemically prepared stick from the drugstore is the fastest and most user-friendly way to snift the presence of a hormone tabbed human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or “the pregnancy hormone” in your urine. When you have a pregnancy thoroughbred test at the doctor’s office a few weeks later, they’re unquestionably testing for the same hormone’s presence in your blood.

The new embryo begins to produce hCG immediately without it attaches to the uterine wall in the very first few days of pregnancy, plane surpassing you’ve had a missed period. It is the first hormone produced by the placenta, and its levels double every two days in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Without passing through your body, hCG is eliminated through the urine.

By the time your period is late, there is usually unbearable hCG in the urine for a home pregnancy test to requite an well-judged result.

In fact, a pregnancy test taken on the first day of a missed period (which, for a woman with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, will be 14 days without ovulation) is 99% accurate.

Are Signs of Pregnancy Variegated If You’re Having a Boy vs. a Girl?

Though baby’s sex is unswayable at the time of conception, thoroughbred tests and ultrasounds can’t requite you an well-judged wordplay until the end of the first trimester, at the earliest. Until then, all an expectant parent can do is speculate: Am I having a boy or a girl? It’s why gender predictors and old wives’ tales are so popular.

But equal to a new study, those old wives’ tales may have some truth to them. Researchers say there’s some vestige that pregnancy symptoms really are variegated if you’re delivering a boy or a girl. In the study, women delivering a sexuality victual ripened a higher number of pro-inflammatory cytokines (or experienced an increased inflammatory response) when exposed to yes-man compared to women pregnant with a male baby. Researchers say this could explain why it’s believed that women pregnant with girls wits heightened pregnancy symptoms.

Another study published in the Lancet supports this claim, noting that mothers with hyperemesis gravidarum were increasingly likely to be delivering girls.

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test as early as 10 days past ovulation, but at-home pregnancy tests yield the most well-judged results 7-10 days without your missed period.

Why such a big window of time? Pregnancy tests trammels for hCG, a hormone our persons secrete from the placenta during pregnancy. And all pregnant women produce hCG at variegated rates. That said, most pregnant women will have unbearable hCG in their persons to get a positive pregnancy test well-nigh a week without their missed period.

What If You Don’t Get the Positive Pregnancy Test You Were Hoping For?

Be enlightened that, until your soul is producing unbearable hCG hormone to be flushed out in your urine, a home pregnancy test might requite you a false negative. While the first hCG spike is typically eight days without conception, not all women have the same cycle. If you tested early on, be sure to try then in a few days.

If you didn’t woolgather this month, staying mindful of early pregnancy symptoms while tuning into your soul is never a lost cause. Knowing increasingly well-nigh your cycle, your hormones, and your body may help you unzip a variegated result next month.

How Soon Can I Tell If I’m Pregnant?

Waiting for that positive pregnancy test? At-home pregnancy tests are most well-judged well-nigh 7 days without your missed period. THAT FEELS LIKE FOREVER, I know! Luckily, you can get a positive pregnancy test earlier.—some women say they’ve had positive pregnancy tests as early as 10 days past ovulation.

How Can You Tell If You Are Pregnant?

The weightier way to tell if you are pregnant is to take an at-home pregnancy test. When used correctly, they’re 99% accurate—that’s just as well-judged as a urine test at the doctor.

Once you get a positive pregnancy test, undeniability your healthcare provider. They’ll want to set up an visit to personize your pregnancy with a thoroughbred test.

How Early Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

One of the primeval signs of pregnancy is implantation cramping and/or implantation bleeding. This occurs when the blastocyst implants in the uterus, often 6-11 days without conception. Some women may moreover wits mood swings and/or headaches, but it’s important to note that some women don’t experience any of these things when they’re pregnant.

How Can I Tell If I’m Pregnant Without 1 Week?

Ready for a curveball? At one week pregnant, you won’t wits any pregnancy symptoms… considering you’re not unquestionably pregnant. Say what?! The conventional method of dating pregnancy does not use siring as the starting point for pregnancy. Instead, healthcare providers use the stage of your last menstrual period to stage pregnancy. For most women with regular cycles, this ways they aren’t unquestionably pregnant during the first two weeks of pregnancy.

However, one week without siring (approximately three weeks pregnant for most women with regular cycles), some women may uncork to wits very early pregnancy symptoms, like fatigue, nausea, a heightened sense of smell, or light spotting. But don’t fret if you don’t get a positive pregnancy test at this point: your soul likely hasn’t started producing unbearable hCG to get that BFP.

What Are the Symptoms of Pregnancy at 2 Days?

Another trick question! You won’t wits any pregnancy symptoms two days without your last menstrual period, considering you’re not technically pregnant during that time. Plane at two days past siring you’re unlikely to wits any pregnancy symptoms. It often takes between 12 and 24 hours for the sperm to meet the egg. Once this happens, it takes flipside 3 to 5 days for the fertilized egg to implant into the uterine lining. Though some women say they “just know” when pregnancy has occurred, it’s unlikely you’ll wits any early pregnancy symptoms surpassing 3 to 4 weeks.

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What Verisimilitude Is Your Urine When You’re Pregnant?

Some women say the knew they were pregnant considering their urine was darker, cloudy, and/or had a strong odor. Unfortunately, there really isn’t much scientific vestige to support this theory.

That said, frequent urination is an early sign of pregnancy. This is thanks to an increase in the hormones progesterone and hCG an increase in soul fluids.

Been Through This Before? Tell Us Well-nigh It!

What were some of the primeval and weirdest signs of pregnancy that you experienced? Add a comment.

Could you be pregnant, but it's too early for a home pregnancy test? Here are the 15 primeval signs of pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms to squint out for.

The post Signs of Pregnancy: The 15 Primeval (and Weirdest) Pregnancy Symptoms appeared first on Mama Natural.